
Dress for a wedding event / Vedējmātes kleita

We had an active wedding month in July. I with my husband attended four weddings in one of them we were  godmother and godfather. For this event I made Carolina Herrera copy dress for myself. Wedding colors were: yellow, green and white. One of my favorite colors are green, so I choose this color for my dress.

Project start: 11.06.2012
Project finish: 17.06.2012
Pattern: My pattern.
-polyester chiffon 4m. Cost ~19.80 Eur;
-viscose lining 3m. Cost ~17.00 Eur;
-satin ribbon 1m;
-invisible zipper.
Total cost ~28 Eur.

Jūlijs bija aktīvais kāzu mēnesis. Mēs ar vīru apmeklējām četras kāzas, kur vienās no kāzām vijām vedēji. Savu vedējmātes kleitu protams šuvu pati. Kāzu toņi tika izvēlēti: dzeltens, zaļš, balts. Tā kā viena no manām mīļākajām krāsām ir zaļā, tad savai kleita izvēlējos maigi zaļo krāsu. Kleitas modeli nošpikoju no dizainera Carolina Herrera kleitas modeļa. 

Iesākts: 11.06.2012
Pabeigts: 17.06.2012
Piegriezne: Mana konstrukcija un modelējums.
-4m poliestera šifons pirkts veikalā "Kreps". Izmaksas 14.00Ls.
-3m viskozes oderaudums pirkts veikalā "Kreps". Izmaksas 12.00Ls.
-atlasa lenta 1m.
-slēptais rāvējslēdzējs.
Kopējās izmaksas 26.75Ls.

Original Carolina Herrera dress / Oriģinālais Carolina Herrera modelis


  1. Ļoti skaista kleita, un vēl šīs vasaras aktuālajā tonī! Well done ;) Fasons tiešām 1:1 ar Herrera kleitu. Zaļā ir arī mana mīļākā krāsa. Žēl, ka man vēl nav drosmes darboties ar šifonu.

  2. Wow! you did an amazing job of replicating that dress! It must have taken quite some time!Beautiful job!

  3. You look absolutely gorgeous in that dress. Clever girl! I am in awe of your talent - can't wait to see more of your fabulous creations.

  4. Wow, fantastic. You look beautiful and that dress is amazing. Chiffon is so difficult to sew, I find it almost impossible. A great version of the designer dress. and your husband has a matching necktie! you both look so cute. I wonder how much time it took to make this dress?

    1. Thanks! I had sewed already some chiffon dresses, so I have some experience with such type of fabric. In blog entry text there is mentioned the project start and finish date, so it took me 1 week to complete this dress. And I sewed only in the evenings.

  5. Absolutely stunning and the colour perfect.

  6. Wow, skaisti! Sanāca tiešām 1:1! Un šifonveidīgo audumu sašūt noteikti jābūt pacietībai un stipriem nerviem, tev tas ir izdevies perfekti! Bravo! Pēdējo reizi, kad šuvu šifonu - biju gatava to iemest miskastē, apliet ar benzīnu un aizdedzināt :D


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